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Year in Review



Letter from the CEO

Celebrating a record year

This year was pivotal for California’s tourism industry, which clawed its way back to prepandemic levels of visitor spending as it welcomed travelers from around the world.

This annual report details the results of Visit California’s global program of work, which delivered billions of dollars of additional visitor spending in the state in FY 2023/24.

In 2023, travelers spent $150.4 billion in California — a new record (page 6). This remarkable achievement is a testament to the resilience and unity of California’s tourism industry.

Visit California inspired demand for California as a travel destination through The Ultimate Playground, a new brand platform that celebrates California’s welcoming ethos and our state’s abundance of experiences.

The first creative execution of The Ultimate Playground was a new spot called “Let’s Play,” which debuted globally in March (page 10). The spot — supported by an integrated campaign across paid, owned, earned and trade channels — encapsulates the essence of the Californian experience by celebrating diversity and encouraging travelers to play in their own unique ways in California. The engagement with audiences around the world, including an audience of 23 million across owned channels, has been phenomenal — the spot delivered a 33% lift on consumers’ likelihood to visit the state. The campaign also garnered hundreds of earned media placements and drove 4.9 million new visitors to

Visit California continues to focus on rebuilding international visitation to the state, and China is a top priority. Chinese travelers are the No. 1 overseas inbound market for California’s tourism industry — they stay longer and spend more than any other market. Without them, the industry will not be able to fully recover. I am proud to say that Visit California was the first U.S. DMO back to market and additional dedicated initiatives this year strengthened our position in China, ensuring California remains a top destination for Chinese travelers (page 31).

Global activations put California’s diverse and unparalleled offerings on display to international audiences in 13 important markets (page 30). Working in tandem with celebrities also helped shine a light on the Golden State (page 12).

While we have much to celebrate, it’s also important to recognize the industry’s headwinds. The state’s recovery is uneven — some destinations are still lagging prepandemic visitation levels. Visa wait times and reduced airlift are hurdles for some international visitors, and inflationary pressures are felt across the industry.

It’s clear that strength lies in unity. The California tourism community stands stronger together, driven by a shared vision and collaborative spirit. This unity has been the cornerstone of success, and it will continue to propel the industry as Visit California navigates the future with its partners.

Thank you for your unwavering support and partnership, inspiring travelers worldwide to explore and enjoy all California offers.

Caroline Beteta 


Caroline Beteta
President & CEO, Visit California


Letter from the Chair

Continuing the momentum

As chair of the Visit California board of directors, I am pleased to present this annual report. This year marked a significant milestone in our recovery from the pandemic, with visitor spending normalizing across the state.

Travel is essential to the state’s economic engine. In 2023, visitor spending supported more than 1 million hospitality jobs for California workers and generated $12.7 billion in tax revenue that funded vital local and state services (page 6).

I am particularly proud to highlight that Visit California’s annual audit reveals a remarkable sense of fiscal responsibility: only 10.9% of funding goes toward operating costs, with a staggering 89.1% directed toward the global marketing program (page 4). This mindful stewardship enables Visit California to maximize the impact of every dollar and deliver a return on the industry’s investment.

The effectiveness of the global marketing program is reflected in the return on ad spending. Visit California’s paid advertising generated $25.1 billion in incremental visitor spending (page 8). This is spending that would not have happened without Visit California’s marketing, which showcases every industry segment, including accommodations, attractions, car rentals, restaurants, retailers and transportation services.

The board of directors includes representatives from every assessed segment and every region of the state (page 37). The board oversees all aspects of Visit California’s program, including the review and approval of an annual marketing plan and the industry dollars that fund it.

On behalf of the entire board, thank you for your ongoing support and partnership. Our industry’s shared vision for promoting California as a preeminent travel destination will lead us to even greater heights in the years to come. Together, we will continue to trumpet the unparalleled beauty, diversity and abundance of experiences that make California the ultimate playground for travelers worldwide.

Dan Gordon 

Dan Gordon Signature

Dan Gordon
Chair, Visit California
CEO, Gordon Biersch


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