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Brand USA’s “USA HOUSE” Activation at SXSW Sydney

October 2024 | $7,500


After the inaugural and hugely successful SXSW Sydney, Brand USA is once again hosting the “USA House” and giving partner states the opportunity to activate for a day. Visit California will take the opportunity to theme the house and bring to life the Golden State through immersive experiences anchored in music, screen, tech, innovation and gaming that demonstrates why California is the Ultimate Playground.

Key Dates Co-op Detail Page Co-op Detail Page

Enrollment Dates
  • 6/4/2024 - Start
  • 6/21/2024 - End
In-Market Dates
  • 10/14/2024 - Start
  • 10/20/2024 - End

Fees Co-op Detail Page Co-op Detail Page

  • $7,500 - Registration Fee

Contact Information Co-op Detail Page Co-op Detail Page

Eva Huezo Eva@gate7.com.au

Brand USA’s “USA House” will be located at the multi-level Pumphouse Restaurant, immediately adjacent to the SXSW conference venue, ideally positioned for visibility and access to conference attendees. The house will be open to the 10,000 conference attendees as well as to media, trade and influencers Visit California invites to its events.

As a participating partner, your destination will come to life with a themed zone in the event space and an interactive event. This year, we will be asking destination partners to go one step further in delivering the most memorable experience possible by supporting Visit California with interactive programming opportunities in the form of talent, demonstrations and access to unique experiences relevant to the festival themes (music, screen, tech & innovation and gaming) and your destination.

Participation is limited to five partners. Please submit interest before June 21 with a 250-word submission of why you would like to participate and what your activation idea is. No travel required.

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