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Boost Local Tourism Economies Through California Jobs First

By Dan Smith 03/11/2024

California Jobs First is the state’s new brand for equitable economic development and job creation across the state.

One of the flagship programs of the new effort is the Regional Investment Initiative (formerly known as CERF) — a $600 million community-led, sustainable program to drive economic growth and resilience in the state’s 13 regions.

The program includes a multi-year process that will bring to life programs and projects that accelerate California’s progress to a carbon neutral economy while creating good-paying jobs and prosperous communities. Tourism partners are encouraged to engage in this process now to determine what community and regional needs can be met through program funding.

The California Jobs First Process

California Jobs First divides the state into 13 regions (these regions are different than the Visit California tourism regions, but there is significant overlap — see map below). Each region received an initial planning grant to create planning groups or “California Jobs First Collaboratives”, responsible for developing regional economic development plans, or “California Jobs First Strategies." Strategies developed by each Jobs First Collaborative will be used as a basis to apply for additional implementation funding to support regional economic development projects with a focus on the creation of high-quality jobs.

Jobs First Collaboratives are currently moving into Planning Phase Part 2 Jobs First Strategy development. Regional Jobs First Collaboratives will identify projects and economic development strategies that may be candidates for implementation funding support.

Regional Map of California


Get Involved in Your Region

Phase 2 Regional Economic Development Strategies are due to the state’s Inter-Agency Partners by August 30, 2024. As one of California’s major economic drivers, it is critical that the state’s tourism industry has the opportunity to support the development of these regional plans andidentify projects in need of implementation funding.

Industry partners and stakeholders are strongly encouraged to email the assigned GO-Biz Regional Economic Recovery Coordinator below for their region to learn more and get involved.

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