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Dallas Media Dinner
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Destinations and Media Enjoy Dinner Together at Hosted Event in Dallas

By Molly Bloss 03/11/2024

On Feb. 22, media and influencers based in Texas joined 15 tourism partners at Visit California’s Dallas Media Dinner. The event was held at Virgin Hotels Dallas, and featured the incredible culinary creations of Chef Shirley Chung of Ms Chi Cafe in Culver City.

The Dallas Media Dinner was attended by 18 top-tier lifestyle and travel media who contribute to key outlets such as Business Insider, D CEO, Dallas Morning News, Forbes, Los Angeles Times, Texas Monthly and TravelAwaits.

During the networking time at the beginning of the event, Angie Pappas — Associate Vice President of External Affairs and Media at Visit California — spoke to attendees about the diverse communities that have contributed to the state’s innovative culinary scene, and gave an overview of Visit California's new brand campaign.

Next, Chef Chung led a cooking demonstration featuring her famous Jumbo Cheeseburger Potstickers — a Top Chef winning dish!

Chef Shirley Chung

Ancient Peaks Winery owner Doug Filipponi and Chef Shirley Chung

During the seated portion of the meal, partners had an opportunity to give a 30-second “elevator pitch,” highlighting what is new or noteworthy about their destination or business. Attendees also had time to network with the media over dessert following the meal. 

Ancient Peaks Winery generously donated a trip giveaway that was raffled off during the event, and Sonoma County Tourism provided wine for the media gift bags.

Winemaker and wine winner

Ancient Peaks Winery owner Doug Filipponi and travel writer Kayla Hui

Media feedback from attendees of the event has been incredibly positive.

“Thank you so much for hosting me and for providing info on your partners. I'm slow to get to my follow-ups but I had several great conversations at dinner and during the social hour that I plan to follow up on.” — Jill Robbins, Business Insider and TravelAwaits 

“Thank you for the invitation. It was a pleasure meeting you as well. We enjoyed the event and loved interacting with everyone. Thank you for sharing the link that includes the destination partners contact information. We'll reach out to explore opportunities to work together. Please keep us in mind for future opportunities.” — Joy & Hugh Obazei, @afrostylicity

“Just wanted to say thank you for a lovely evening! I am SO sorry I had to rush out, but I learned a lot, and the food was incredible. I am particularly interested in Southern CA because I don't have much knowledge of the area, especially San Diego.” — Gabby Cullen, Tinybeans 

The Dallas Media Dinner was the second of two smaller, more intimate media events designed to provide partners with impactful networking opportunities in niche media markets. The first of these events took place in Chicago in October 2023.

For information about media events, be sure to sign up for Visit California’s Public Relations newsletter. And if you have any questions about upcoming opportunities, please reach out to Domestic Public Relations Manager Kristen Bonilla.

View the full Dallas Media Dinner gallery. 

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