All Dreams Welcome Co-op
Ongoing | Contingent on Project
Visit California is partnering with destinations and offering financial support to amplify their 2023 Pride events to increase national and international reach to the LGBTQ segment through Visit California’s owned channels, paid and earned media opportunities.
Key Dates
- 4/18/2023 - Enrollment Start
- 5/31/2023 - Enrollment End
In-Market Dates
- 6/1/2023 - In-Market Start
- 6/30/2023 - In-Market Start
- $ - Contingent on Project
Contact Information
The "All Dreams Welcome" Co-op amplifies destinations' 2023 Pride events on a global level through the California Now Network. The California Now Network connects with 22.5 million qualified consumers actively seeking inspiration, advice, and insights through the blog and podcast, and Visit California's social channels. The content will also be shared with the public relations team for possible inclusion in global media outreach.
Additionally, Visit California will work with destinations to collect assets that could be integrated into future paid campaigns.
Co-op support will be tailored to your organization. Please share your Pride Month programming details or request more information as a first step.